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“Over the last few years I have observed many English-speaking friends struggle with the French administration system, get tongue-tied with local artisans and that’s before having to enter the dreaded Préfecture to implement a car registration,” explains Isabelle Tayeb of Pied-à-Terre Consulting.

French Administration

- Tax issues, "taxe d’habitation", "taxe foncière", ...

- "CAF" issues (family allowance)



- Getting a "carte vitale​", liaising with the "CPAM"  (healthcare), and other healthcare providers such as the "RSI"

- Finding and registering with a GP

- Hospital paperwork

- Finding the right top-up health insurance ("mutuelle")









 - Obtaining insurance quotes for cars, homes, healthcare and more


Registering your business

- Helping you to find an accountant

- Fully registering your business

- Translating and responding to paperwork regarding the setting up of your business

- Providing PA support for small businesses


- Opening a bank account

- Setting up direct debit payments for bills and taxes


Building and Renovation

- Arranging planning permissions

​- Finding architects, builders or other skilled tradesmen

- Liaising with the above on your behalf, getting quotes


Car Registration

- Importing your car and re-registrating it

- Buying a new car

- Purchasing licence plates

- Getting your UK licence changed to a French one


Relocation Assistance

- Helping you to find a a property to buy or rent

- Enrolling your children in school

- Receiving deliveries in your absence

- Connecting utilities and setting up phones, mobiles and Internet services


Based in Audrix (24260), we'll consider appointments throughout the Dordogne.

© 2015 Created by Isabelle Tayeb

Tel: +33(0)


Isabelle Tayeb


Siret: 797 839 404 00028

APE: 7022Z

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