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About me

"Isabelle was recommended to us a few months back and has since helped us in several areas of French administration, especially completing the notoriously difficult paperwork in France.
She has been efficient and professional in all aspects of her work."

Will W.



"Isabelle was extremely helpful in helping us settle into France! Theres
a lot of admin to be done when moving here and her help was indispensable, I would highly recommend her services"
Carl W.

Having relocated - alone, and in my late sixties - to France in the summer of 2014, I made contact with Isabelle shortly after my arrival, and we met to run through my (and probably most people's) extensive list of  'must do's', in order to become a fully fledged French resident. In my case that meant (and the list is probably not exhaustive!); opening a bank account, joining the healthcare system, registering as a small business, importing and insuring the car, obtaining my driving licence, and entering the fiscal system. Granted, my French is a work in progress, but even so, to have someone who is totally au fait (well that's French!) with the French processes has been absolutely invaluable. I cannot stress enough how Isabelle's knowledge and help - and personality - have made my relocation a painless, stress free and also an interesting and even pleasurable experience. As with so many things in life, great communication is paramount, and that is one of Isabelle's many qualities - in fact I recall making my initial contact on Bastille Day, and she responded right away! Having benefited from Isabelle's - extremely cost effective - commitment, I thoroughly recommend her services, and it's great to know that there's always someone to help out, no matter how small the need may be.

Ann G.

My Philosophy
My Story

"Il n'y a pas de solutions, mais des forces. Créons ces forces et les solutions suivront."


Antoine de St Exupéry


Isabelle has been running a Circus school and an artistic agency organizing events and providing management services for the performing arts for many years and has recently added a language support service to help English speakers with less-than-perfect-French in their everyday life. She eventually decided to focus on the latter activity.

She is a French native with excellent English skills and believes this is a really important factor. “Being French makes me more effective with other French people. I can liaise between the two cultures as well as just between the languages and all daily dealings with the authorities and other contacts just seem to run more smoothly. You can’t blame French people doing their job finding it easier to talk with me than someone of another nationality.”

My Experience

2014 - Compagnie Métaphores 

Chargée de diffusion




2013-Artiste Plasticienne-Anita Pentecote 

Routage et coordinatrice de projet



2011-2013 The Generating Company

Creative center manager



2003-2011 Equi Cirqu'Olena

24510 Limeuil

Directrice Pédagogique



"Isabelle has supported the work of The Generating Company and the Creative Centre for several years. From general Administration to project management and even teaching circus skills. I truly believe Isabelle can turn her hand to any thing with intelligence and objectivity that addresses any problem. She is a colleague and a friend and a definite support in France".

Paul C.

© 2015 Created by Isabelle Tayeb

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Isabelle Tayeb


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